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Here’s why you are not gaining followers on Instagram!

Instagram’s popularity has reached a significant height in just a few short years.
It incorporates about 100 million active users, and they are second only to Facebook. Thus, predictable that Instagram would soon overtake Facebook. Therefore, with an audience like this, there are no apparent reasons why you should be losing Instagram followers. But, if you are losing followers, it means that you are making some fatal mistakes.
What’s ruining your brand’s Instagram account? The reasons are not as mysterious as it might seem.
Dive in and find out!
Here is the mistake you should avoid stopping losing Instagram followers!

1.Not converting engagement into Real Leads:

Instagram is a powerful lead-generating platform. That is the reason why you are using it for your small venture in the first place. Yet, some small businesses do not understand how to convert followers into customers. They are letting their social media marketing budget go in vain. Businesses tend to think that it will pay off eventually just because the social media works itself. But the scenario is not true. The online ventures eventually lose the Instagram followers and the potential prospects in the process. That is not a robust social media strategy. There are two possible and crucial ways that businesses turn engagement into leads on Instagram, lead ads, and the bio link.
-Lead Ads: These provide something to your target prospect in exchange for submitting their contact information. This goes on throughout the Instagram and Facebook community. You are not limited to just your followers. Thus, Lead ads do not cost you money. However, engaging your customers both on and off your Instagram platform will help you stop losing your precious followers.
-Website Link in the Bio: Many small ventures’ Instagram accounts do not potentially drive traffic to their website. The Instagram community generates over 900 comments per second. It is one of the most active and crucial social communities today. When these many people are watching your content, people want to know the source of the material. But Instagram restricts you from directly linking to a page in your post. They will click on your bio to find out about the source.

2. Images are of low quality:

What would happen if you are selling your goods and put a blurry picture of it on the website? It would not be what matter words you speak of it, because people generally believe in the image. However, an image overshadows everything. Instagram people want to get inspired. The inspiration could be in the form of an idea, an image, or content. Poor quality of vision does not earn your followers.  

3. Going off-topic:

Your business account is not your personal Instagram account. People don’t care about where you went for the holidays. Until and unless it is a part of your brand personality. When people see unexpected and random posts, they think they have followed a wrong account. This is how businesses are losing Instagram followers. It is a situation of mistaken identity.

4. Posts that are no longer relevant:

What worked for you last month or year might not work now. Your followers look for an update. Thus, your brand should follow a plan. It should stay consistent. What you post daily should align with the current industry trends. Are you pushing products that people would eventually don’t like? That isn’t very good in the long-term. Are you still addressing yesterday’s news? Well, people are over it. Try to pay more attention to what the industry trends are saying. This way, you don’t lose your precious followers.

5. You lack the written buyer personas:

These are also known as Customer Avatars and other names, depending on who you ask. Have you not accepted a buyer persona that represents your target audience? It is the time to start. This helps your overall social media platforms.
How to create a meaningful buyer persona?
You have to create a data-driven persona. Use hard data, surveys, salesperson knowledge, as well as other information. Name your persona that represents a significant characteristic you need to target. For example, Does your venture saves people the extra money by helping them DIY? Then, Tony’s Thriftiness is an excellent trait to target. Try giving your persona a face. Make sure to give your persona a complete profile.

6. No goal-driven strategy:

Of course, you want Instagram to elevate your revenues. That is your ultimate business goal. But, are you only focused on your ultimate goal? Then, you will not take the necessary steps to get there. You cannot and should not climb 8 steps at a time. Instead, choose to take one step at a time towards your goal. Each step is an objective in itself. Is your Instagram account goal-less? Are you posting around without a clear vision? Then, you are losing your Instagram followers.

7. Ignoring comments:

Social media might seem one-sided at times. But it is an ultimate social activity. People comment, and others tend to comment back. But sometimes they are bored. But at times, they are looking for human interactions. They want to feel appreciated and connected. They want to feel like a part of your brand. They want to be heard. It would be best if you assured them that you are there for them. You can do so by interacting with them through comments. This builds trust between you and the consumer. However, people like you when they trust you. Moreover, it would help if you tried new offerings. You can share your brand with their friends. Please give them a platform to write you exemplary reviews. All of these steps help to build a healthy relation. This also helps you to gain more followers.
Therefore, those mentioned above are some of the silly mistakes that brands make. Once you start preventing such errors, you won’t lose any more followers on Instagram.
Are you looking for some professional advice? Then, Magenta Hive is the right destination. If you need to chat one-on-one about your account’s troubles, contact us online or call us at 8308438840.






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